Everything You Need To Know About Synthesis In VLSI

Everything You Need To Know About Synthesis In VLSI

What is Synthesis in VLSI?

Synthesis in VLSI is the process of converting your code (program) into a circuit. In terms of logic gates, synthesis is the process of translating an abstract design into a properly implemented chip. Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) are specific programming languages that are used to explain the hardware of a circuit in VLSI course, and the computer subsequently builds the circuit depending on the programme you provided. A “Gate Level Netlist” is what you get once you finish synthesising. This is how your circuit will appear. It demonstrates how everything is interconnected. You can alter it if you like; the computer just synthesizes this netlist based on its best judgment. The synthesizer generates better netlists as the abilities improve and they become more proficient at creating HDL programmes.

Why Do We Need Synthesis in VLSI?

Synthesis is a critical step for chip designers because it allows them to visualise how the design will appear after manufacture. Only the designer may report and validate all factors in advance, including area, time, and power. He or she can make the necessary revisions (if necessary) before the creation process, saving time and money.

Synthesis converts a basic RTL design into a gate-level netlist that includes all of the designer’s limitations. Synthesis is carried out in several stages:

  • Converting RTL to basic logic gates;
  • Mapping those gates to actual technology-dependent logic gates accessible in technology libraries, and
  • Optimising the translated netlist while maintaining the designer’s limitations.

Synthesis in VLSI converts Verilog HDL hardware models into gate-level implementations and adapts them to target technology automatically. Synthesis allows the same HDL description to be mapped into numerous target technologies without requiring any design changes. Synthesis is the process of translating RTL (Synthesizable Verilog code) to a gate-level netlist for a certain technology (includes nets, sequential and combinational cells and their connectivity).

Objectives of Synthesis in VLSI:

  1. To obtain a gate-level netlist
  2. Adding timer gates
  3. Logic improvement
  4. Adding DFT logic
  5. RTL and netlist logic equality should be preserved.


Vendors like Synopsys, Cadence, and Mentor Graphics offer a variety of tools that may be used to synthesise a design. Due to the optimizations made during synthesis, this has two AND gates, but it will synthesize into a single AND gate after synthesis. Idioms are specialised methods in which HDLs describe certain forms of logic. Practising examples is the greatest approach to learning HDL, which comes along with the course modules in various VLSI training institutes. Chipedge is the best VLSI training institute that offers a variety of courses such as Design Synthesis, which employs Synopsys tools and lectures from industry professionals, saving you time and allowing you to expand your career options.

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