Without a way to easily check if everything works during the design process, finding problems later can be a nightmare. That’s where Design for Testability (DFT) comes in. DFT helps ensure circuits work correctly from the beginning, saving time, and money in the long run. It is like a cheat code used in the design process to make testing easier. Read along to learn more about the techniques used in DFT to achieve a smooth and efficient testing process.
What is Design for Testability?
Design for testability is the process used in the development stage of a system to make it easier to test for defects. Its emphasis on building hardware or software systems with testing in mind has made it an important practice in the chip production industry. It gives better control of the system by allowing it to set specific conditions within different parts of the system and improves observability with the ability to monitor the state of the internal components at all times. A VLSI course in DFT can teach you the fundamentals needed to capitalize on these benefits.Techniques in DFT
There’s no single technique that could be used in all cases. So, one has to be carefully chosen to fit the purposes of the design under inspection. The techniques used in DFT are broadly divided into two categories: Ad-hoc and Structured.-
Ad-Hoc Techniques:
Good design practices that are known to work well through experience are the guidelines for ad-hoc DFT. Some of its key aspects are:
Modular design
One of the important steps in designing a testable chip is partitioning the system into smaller and distinct modules such that there is an effective DFT technique to test each one of them. This improves the observability and controllability of each section.
Test points
Structured Techniques
Scan path testing
Boundary Scan
Built-in Self-Test
Automatic Test Pattern Generator